Proven Affiliate | Month 001
8 Week Cycle | Midline & Posterior Chain
Weeks 1-4
The focus for the next 8 weeks is on helping athletes build a strong core and back. Midline stabilization and posterior chain engagement are key to athletic performance and will provide a great foundation on which to further develop our athletes. In particular we will use the Deadlift and Toes to Bar as benchmark exercises throughout this cycle - testing in week 1 and week 8 to help assess our athlete's progress. While we will focus heavily on helping athletes grow in these two areas, we will round out their training with workouts spanning a variety of time and modal domains.
Week by Week
Week | Goal |
1-2 | Review basics of performance and Test 3RM Deadlift and Max TTB* |
3-5 | Gradually increase volume, weight, & intensity of posterior chain & midline workouts |
6-7 | Taper slightly in preparation for retest |
8 | Retest 3RM Deadlift and Max TTB |
*Testing Deadlift & TTB should be "on the board" all week so that athletes who miss the test day are reminded to do these tests in their private time. Coaches should remind athletes to test their deadlift and TTB at the beginning of each class during week 1.
Class Flow
All classes follow a similar flow. We begin with a warm up followed by either a strength or skill session to compliment the movements we will do during the WOD. The second half of the workout is comprised of a Metcon followed by a cool down. Every training session includes "Extra Credit" which supports the overall focus of the cycle and helps us address movement patterns which tend to get neglected in typical CrossFit programming. The extra credit is not part of the 60-minute class, but can be offered to athletes who want to go above and beyond.
Fitting all this into a 60 minute class can be very challenging if we are not disciplined about our time management. Every training session includes a sample timeline to help us manage the class and ensure that we are not falling behind schedule.
Week 1
Cycle Context
This week kicks off our focus on posterior chain engagement and midline stabilization. We will use our first training sessions to establish a baseline performance on the Deadlift and Toes to Bar, which we can use to help athletes measure their progress over the coming weeks.
Coach's Notes:
Use your whiteboard time this week to underscore the focus on posterior chain & midline stabilization to our athletes. Making them aware of the cycle's focus is extremely important in helping them see the "bigger picture".
This focus is not limited to hinging and crunching movements. Be sure to emphasize the role that the back and core plays in every movement. Even something as simple as a push up can be tied back to these principles by making athletes aware of how their core should be engaged to support a stable pressing position. In other words, the focus is created as much by HOW YOU coach the class as it is by the programming.
Day | Strength/ Skill | WOD |
Monday | Deadlift |
7' AMRAP 2,4,6,8,10... Deadlift (225|155# or 100|70KG) Burpee Box Jump Over |
Tuesday | Toes to Bar |
For Time: 10-9-8... 3-2-1 Toes to Bar 20-18-16... 6-4-2 Wall Ball Shots |
Wednesday | Double Unders |
For Total Time: - 2 Rounds: 200M Run 100 Double Unders 1’ Rest - 2 Rounds: 100 Double Unders 200M Run 1’ Rest |
Thursday | Rope Climb |
Partner WOD 4 Rounds of: |
Friday | Hang Power Snatch |
10 Rounds for Time: 7 Hang Power Snatch (95|65# or 42.5|30KG) 7 Bar Facing Burpees |
Saturday | NA |
8 Rounds for Time: 60M Sandbag Carry (100|75# or 45|35KG) 40 Box Step Ups 20|17 Cal Assault Bike |
Week 1 Day 1
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-35' |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up | 51-60' |
Warm Up
3 Rounds of:
30" Stiff Leg Deadlift (Empty Barbell)
30" Box Step Overs
30" Cat/Cow
30" Hollow Hold
Strength/ Skill
5x E3MOM:
Deadlift 9-6-3-3-3
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Deadlift
Goal: Build up to a 3RM with good form. In week 8 athletes will retest this lift and have a chance to measure their progress.
Coach's Challenge: Teach athletes to properly brace their core when setting up for the deadlift by taking a deep breath in and pushing the abs outward.
Deadlift (225|155# or 100|70KG)
Burpee Box Jump Over
Coach's Notes:
Goal: Get into the round of 12 (scale accordingly)
Coach's Challenge: Athletes should continue to brace their core during the deadlifts, even once their heart-rate is elevated.
Cool Down
1' Roll out posterior chain
1' Lying Right Leg Over
1' Lying Left Leg Over
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down. Remind athletes to write down their 3RM Deadlift for future reference.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
20 Alternating V-Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
Rest as needed
Week 1 Day 2
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-35' |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Remind athletes at the Whiteboard that they should test their 3RM Deadlift in case they missed yesterday's class. We should try to get EVERYONE to do a before-and-after test of their deadlift so that every athlete can determine whether they improved.
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
8 Scap Pull Ups
8 Meter 1-Arm KB OH Walking Lunge (8M Right, then 8M Left)
8 Strict Hanging Knee Raises
8 Wall Squats
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Toes to BarToes to Bar Progression:
- Kip Swings
- Kipping Knee Raise
- Kipping Knee to Chest
- Kipping Toe to Bar
Goal: Introduce athletes to the fundamentals of TTB and allow everyone to assess their max unbroken TTB. If athletes only have 1 TTB, that is fine. Our goal will be to help them get from 1 to 2+ over the next several weeks. Only encourage athletes to scale this assessment to knee raises if they cannot manage a single TTB.
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to maximize the tension in their core on the backswing by keeping the legs straight, and toes pointed.
For Time:
10-9-8... 3-2-1 Toes to Bar
20-18-16... 6-4-2 Wall Ball Shots
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 9 Minutes (11 Minute Time Cap)
Coach's Challenge: The beauty of this workout is that the volume decreases as athletes begin to fatigue. Challenge athletes to be audacious out of the gate, going for unbroken sets, ideally for the entire workout.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
45" Lizard Pose Right
45" Lizard Pose Left
45" Prone Cobra
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Remind athletes to write down their Max TTB for future reference.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
6 Weighted Back Extensions (20X0)
30" Sorensen Hold
3 Broad Jumps
2' Rest
Week 1 Day 3
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-35' |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up | 51-60' |
Warm Up
4 Rounds of:20M A Skip
20M Walking Figure 4
20M Straight Leg Skip
20M Toe Walking
Strength/ Skill
Rx: 10x EMOM: 40 Double Unders
L1: 10x EMOM: 20 Single-Single-Doubles
L2: 10x EMOM: 30" of Double Under Practice
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Double Unders
Goal: Give athletes the chance to practice DU consistency without the distraction and fatigue of a metcon.
Scaling: See the scaling options above. Athletes should be working for about 30"per round.
Coach's Challenge: Challenge Rx athletes to stay focused and go unbroken on every set.
"Reverse Engineered"
For Total Time:
2 Rounds:
200M Run
100 Double Unders
1’ Rest
2 Rounds:
100 Double Unders
200M Run
1’ Rest
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 14' Minutes
Coach's Challenge: Each athlete should have been given a cue to improve their DU during the skill portion. Encourage them to apply this in the workout, even under fatigue.
Scaling: Athletes should apply the same scaling option they used during the skill portion of the workout.
Cool Down
3 Rounds of:
30"/ Side Banded Calf Stretch
30"/Side Single Leg Straddle Stretch
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Rounds for Quality:
8/Side Half Kneeling KB Bottom Up Press
12/Side Straddle Single Leg Lift
No rest between rounds
Week 1 Day 4
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-35' |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Make sure you have enough ropes setup so that at least half of the people signed up for your class can be on a rope at a given time. Get to the gym early so you can get things setup if needed!
Remind athletes at the Whiteboard that they should test their 3RM Deadlift & Max TTB in case they missed the first two classes of the cycle. We should try to get everyone to do a before-and-after test of their deadlift and TTB so that every athlete can determine how much they improved.
Warm Up
Partner Rowling 4 Rounds:
Row 150|120M
Partners alternate rounds rowing. Both partners must perform 1 Jumping Pull Up for every Meter they miss the target.
Strength/ Skill
5x EMOM: 1 Rope Climb (or appropriate scaling option)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Rope ClimbRope Climb Progression:
- Rope Row
- Rope Hang Knees to Elbow
- J Wrap on Box to Stand
- One Pull for Max Height
- Rope Climbs
Coach's Challenge: Once athletes have mastered the scissor hook, show them how they can be more efficient in their rope climbs by bringing their feet as high as possible before clamping onto the rope. This is the same movement pattern we practiced yesterday during the TTB.
Partner WOD - "Hotline Bling"
4 Rounds of:
5 Minute AMRAP
1000|800M Row
Max Rope Climbs
1 Minute Rest
One partner works at a time. Split reps evenly.
Coach's Notes:
Goal: Each Team should aim to do 6-10 Rope Climbs per round
Coach's Challenge: While rowing, challenge athletes to exhale as they pull and inhale on the return.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
30" Static Bicep Stretch Right
30" Static Bicep Stretch Left
1 Minute Wall Straddle Stretch
Coach's Notes:
Static Bicep Stretch
Wall Straddle Stretch
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Supersets:6/Side Pallov Press Temop (2121)
30 Russian Twist w. KB
10 Rower Pike Ups
90" Rest
Week 1 Day 5
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-20' |
Strength/Skill | 21-35' |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Warm Up
5 Minutes of the PVC Pipe Game
Then Coach the Class Through the following Snatch Progression (w. PVC):
- Snatch High Pull from Hips
- Muscle Snatch from Hips
- Power Snatch from Hips
- Snatch High Pull from Hang
- Muscle Snatch from Hang
- Power Snatch from Hang
- Cycling Hang Power Snatch
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Hang Power Snatch
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Goal: Review how to cycle snatches during the lighter lifts & build to a heavy Hang Power Snatch.
Coach's Challenge: Athletes should focus on fully opening ankles, knees, and hips on every rep.
"HUMBLE."10 Rounds for Time:
7 Hang Power Snatch (95|65# or 42.5|30KG)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 12 Minutes (15 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Pacing! Encourage athletes to "warm up" with round 1 & 2, and pick up the pace as the workout goes on.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
45" Butcher's Block Stretch
15" Rest
45" Pigeon Pose Right
15" Rest
45" Pigeon Pose Left
15" Rest
Coach's Notes:
Butcher's Block Stretch
Pigeon Pose
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Supersets:
10 KB Bench Press
10M KB Death March
2' Rest
Week 1 Day 6
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-10' |
Strength/Skill | NA |
WOD | 36-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Every Saturday throughout this cycle we will program a light, longer metcon, designed to get your athletes sweaty one last time before rest day. As a result, we will forego the dedicated Strength/Skill block on Saturdays. These "Sweat Fests" are a great opportunity to build your community! Crank up the music, encourage athletes to invite a guest, and have fun!
Warm Up
1 Round of:
5 Sandbag Deadlift
10/Side Pigeon Box Reach
15 Cal Assault Bike
Coach's Notes:
Use the warm up to get the equipment setup how you want it for the metcon and coach people through how to pick up and hold the sandbag. The warm up itself is very short, since athletes will naturally warm up in the first round of the workout.
Strength/ Skill
"Count Chocula"
8 Rounds for Time:60M Sandbag Carry (100|75# or 45|35KG)
40 Box Step Ups
20|17 Cal Assault Bike
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 40 Minutes (45 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Slow and steady wins the race. We know this is a looong grinder, so encourage athletes to treat this like a jog from the start.
Substitutions: If you don't have enough sandbags for an entire class then sub in any type of loaded carry. If you don't have enough Bikes then sub in a 24|21 Cal Row.
Cool Down
3 Rounds of:
30"/Side Static 90-90 Stretch
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Rounds:10 Alternating Leg Raises
20" Handstand Hold
30" Rest
Week 2
Cycle Context
In week two we begin to lay a foundation for posterior chain and core development. Light loads and high reps are utilized throughout the week to make sure athletes have a firm understanding of the points of performance and a foundation upon which we can build in the coming weeks.
Coach's Notes:
Posterior chain engagement and midline stabilization are core (pun intended) to everything we do. That means you can still coach these skills, even if you are not talking about a deadlift or sit-up. Teach athletes how fundamental these principles are by talking about them IN EVERY CLASS.
Strength/ Skill | WOD | |
Monday | Pull Ups |
10' AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10... Pull Ups 10-20-30-40-50... Double Unders |
Tuesday | Power Cleans |
5 Rounds of: 3 Minute AMRAP 3 Power Clean (135|95# or 62.5|42.5 KG) 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats 1 Minute Rest |
Wednesday | Turkish Get Up |
3 Rounds for Time: 5/Side TGU (45|25# or 20|12KG) 500M Row |
Thursday | Push Press |
Partner WOD 18' AMRAP |
Friday | Sandbag Over Shoulder |
5 Rounds of: 1 Minute AMRAP: 5 Sandbag Over Shoulder (150|100# or 70|45KG) Max Cal Assault Bike 3' Rest |
Saturday | NA | 10 Rounds for Time: 200M Run w. Wall Ball (20|14# or 9|6KG) 20 Wall Ball Shots 2’ Rest |
Week 2 Day 1
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-40' |
WOD | 41-55' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
56-60' |
Warm Up
6' Flow:
5 Hollow to Arch Transitions
10 Kip Swings
20 Single Unders
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Kipping Pull Ups
Kipping Pull Ups Progression:
- Kip Swings w. Stop on Command
- 2 Kip Swings + 1 Big Kip
- 2 Kip Swings + 1 Big Kip w. Hip Opening & Arm Pull
- (Start from the top) Push Away + 1 Kip Swing
- 2 Kip Swings + 2 Kipping Pull Ups
Coach's Challenge: Ensure that athletes are kipping between stable Hollow & Arch Positions. Faults which contribute to a loss of midline stabilization (such as excessive bending of the knees) should be swiftly addressed.
"Fireman"10' AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10... Pull Ups
10-20-30-40-50... Double Unders
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Double Unders
Goal: Get into round of 16 Pull Ups/ 80 Double Unders
Coach's Challenge: Maintain good body positions on the Pull Ups throughout the workout, even as fatigue begins to set in.
Cool Down
30" Foam Roll Lats - Right30" Foam Roll Lats - Left
30" Lat Stretch (on Upright Beam or with Band) - Right
30" Lat Stretch (on Upright Beam or with Band) - Left
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets for Quality:
90" Sandbag Hold (Heavy)
8 Med Ball Slams (Explosive)
1' Rest
Week 2 Day 2
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-30' |
WOD | 31-55' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
56-60' |
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
6 Wall Squats
9 Clean High Pulls from Hips (Empty Barbell)*
12 Push Ups from Knees
*Round 2 - Clean High Pulls from Hang
*Round 3 - Clean High Pulls from Floor
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Power Clean
Coach's Challenge: Pushing the abs out to brace the core through the power clean.
"The Chief"
5 Rounds of:
3 Minute AMRAP
3 Power Clean (135|95# or 62.5|42.5 KG)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
1 Minute Rest
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 20 Rounds
Coach's Challenge: Consistency! Athletes should aim to do the same number of reps across all rounds.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
30" Lying Figure 4 Stretch - Right30" Lying Torso Twist Stretch - Right
30" Lying Figure 4 Stretch - Left
30" Lying Torso Twist Stretch - Left
Coach's Notes:
Lying Figure 4 Stretch
Lying Torso Twist Stretch
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
2 Sets:
30" Single Arm Ring Row - Left
30" Single Arm Ring Plank - Left
30" Rest
30" Single Arm Ring Row - Right
30" Single Arm Ring Plank - Right
90" Rest
Week 2 Day 3
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-30' |
WOD | 31-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Warm Up
4 Rounds of:
60-second Rounds of Lumberjacks & Farmers
Team that loses the round needs to do 10 V-Ups
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Turkish Get Up
Turkish Get Up Progression: Link
- Roll to Setup Position
- Sit Up to Elbow (and return to floor)
- Sit Up to Elbow + Post to Hand (and return to floor)
- Elbow + Hand + Sweep the Leg (and return to floor)
- Elbow + Hand + Sweep + Come to Lunge Position (and return to floor)
- Elbow + Hand + Sweep + Lunge + Stand (and return to floor)
Coach's Challenge: Keep the core engaged throughout the exercise - even when in static positions.
"Timber"3 Rounds for Time:
5/Side TGU (45|25# or 20|12KG)
500|450M Row
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 12 Minutes (15 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Move slow and controlled on the TGU. Push the pace on the row.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
30" Prone Cobra Pose
30" Downward Dog Pose
30" Cat/Cow Transitions
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
4 Sets for Load:
6 Bent Over DB Row
6 DB Bench Press
2' Rest
Week 2 Day 4
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-30' |
WOD | 31-52' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
53-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Be prepared to clearly explain the format of the Warm Up and WOD - it may take a moment for athletes to understand.
Warm Up
6 Minute Flow:
Partner A // Partner B
10M Crab Walks // Strict Press (Empty Barbell)
Scap Push Ups // 10M Straight Leg Bear Crawl
Partner B does knee raises while Partner A does 10M Crab Walk. Once the Crab Walk is done Partner B begins doing 10M Bear Crawl while Partner A does Kip Swings. Partners switch roles every round.
Strength/ Skill
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Push Press
Coach's Challenge: Brace the core when re-racking the bar by tensing the abs and then pushing out.
Partner WOD - "Nonstop"
Partner A // Partner B
10 Push Press (95|65# or 42.5|30KG) // Plank
Overhead Hold (95|65# or 42.5|30KG) // 10 Burpees
Partner B does a plank while Partner A does 15 Push Presses. Once the PP are done Partner B begins doing 10 Burpees, during which time Partner A holds the bar locked out overhead. Partners switch roles every round.
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 6 Rounds
Coach's Challenge: Reinforce to athletes how midline stabilization supports every movement we do in CrossFit. Abs and glutes must be "switched on" for every exercise in this workout, including the static holds.
Cool Down
PNF Hands-on-Box Shoulder Stretch
2 Rounds of:
5" Contraction 25" Stretch
5" Contraction 25" Stretch
1' Rest
Coach's Notes:
PNF Stretching: Athletes should actively push down with straight arms to engage the shoulder muscles, holding the activation for 5 seconds. The athlete can then relax shoulder muscles and try to increase the depth of the stretch slightly, holding the deeper stretch for 25 seconds. Repeat 4 times.
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
6 Rounds with a Partner:
8 Nordic Hamstring Curl
2 Broad Jump + High Jump*
Coach's Notes:
One partner works at a time. Each partner does 3 rounds.
The Resting Partner should assist on the Nordic Hamstring Curl
*Sequence: Broad Jump, High Jump, Broad Jump, High Jump
Week 2 Day 5
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-30' |
WOD | 31-52' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
53-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Coaching Larger Classes: We will be using Assault Bikes today. To support larger classes the Warm Up and WOD will need to be staggered by starting athletes on different movements or at different times. Look at your roster before class begins to plan how you will tackle the logistics.
Warm Up
2 Rounds of:
40" Assault Bike (Easy Pace)*
20" Rest
40" Elbow to Instep w. Rotation (20" Each Side)
20" Rest
40" Overhead Medball Toss
20" Rest
Coach's Notes:
*Round 1 Easy, Round 2 Moderate Pace
Overhead Medball Toss
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Sandbag Over Shoulder
5x EMOM: 3-5 Sandbag Over Shoulder
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Sandbag Over Shoulder
Sandbag Over Shoulder Progression:
- Setup Position + Walk Hands Under Bag
- Deadlift to Lap (Review hand position)
- Deadlift + Clean
"Gas Pedal"
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute AMRAP:
5 Sandbag Over Shoulder (150|100# or 70|45KG)
Max Cal Assault Bike
3' Rest
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Assault Bike
Goal: 15 calories per round
Coach's Challenge: Every round should be an all-out sprint! Challenge athletes to go pedal to the metal as soon as the time starts, and to push through the final seconds. The Sandbag Over Shoulders should not take more than 30 seconds.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
30" Lizard Pose - Right
30" Ankle Stretch - Right
30" Lizard Pose - Left
30" Ankle Stretch - Left
Coach's Notes:
Ankle Stretch: Stay in the Lizard Pose, but push the knee forward over the toes while keeping the heel on the ground. Athletes should use their upper body to put weight on the leg and increase the stretch.
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
20" L-Sit Hold on Plates
20m Double KB Front Rack Carry
Rest as needed
Week 2 Day 6
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-9' |
Strength/Skill | - |
WOD | 10-55' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
56-60' |
Warm Up
1 Round of:
1 Round of Squat Flow
10 Medball Squats to Press
Coach's Notes:
We have another long grinder programmed today, so we are keeping the warm up very lean. Guide athletes through the squat flow to mobilize their hips, hamstrings, and shoulders for the workout and use the Medball Squat to Press to introduce the points of performance for the Wallball Shot.
1 Round of Squat Flow:- 5/Side Lizard w. Reach
- 5 Push Up to Toe Touch
- 5/Side Pigeon CIrcles
Strength/ Skill
"Game Ball"
10 Rounds for Time:
200M Run w. Wall Ball
20 Wall Ball Shots
2’ Rest
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Wall Ball Shot
Goal: Consistent 2 minutes Per Round. A good total time is 38 minutes. Cap at 45.
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to push through the set of 20 WBS unbroken!
Cool Down
3 Rounds of:
30" Heel Sit
30"/Side Samson Stretch
Coach's Notes:
Heel Sit: Focus on stretching the foot, not the ankle, by keeping the toes down to the ground.
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
4 Rounds of:
8 Tempo DB Good Morning (32X1)
16 DB OH Tricep Extension
2' Rest
Week 3
Cycle Context
In week three we begin to gradually ramp up the intensity and demand on our athletes. The volume will become more demanding as we employ multiple movements throughout the week to target the posterior chain and midline. Keep reinforcing the importance of bracing the core, and strong positions as you coach your classes to make sure athletes are receiving the message.
Strength/ Skill | WOD | |
Monday | Deadlifts |
4 Rounds for Time: 20 Double KBS (45|25# or 20|12KG Each) 40|35 Calorie Row |
Tuesday | Toes to Bar |
For Time: 20-15-10-5 Toes to Bar Single DB Box Step Ups (50|35# or 22|16KG) |
Wednesday | Pistol & HSPU |
For Time: 20-18-16...6-4-2 Pistols 10-9-8...3-2-1 HSPU |
Thursday | Ring Muscle Up |
Partner WOD 10 Rounds for Time: |
Friday | Overhead Squat |
4 Rounds for Time: 30 1-Arm DB Deadlifts (50|35# or 22|16KG) 20 1-Arm DB Snatches 10 1-Arm DB OH Lunge |
Saturday | NA | For Time: 100 Cal Row 5’ 80 Cal Row 4’ 60 Cal Row 3’ 40 Cal Row 2’ 20 Cal Row 1’ 1:1 Work:Rest |
Week 3 Day 1
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-15' |
Strength/Skill | 16-35' |
WOD | 36-53' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
54-60' |
Warm Up
1 Round of:
10 Cal Row (Jog)
5/Side: KB Crossover Deadlift
5 Cat/Cow Transitions
10 Cal Row (Run)
10 KB Swing
5 Cat/Cow Transitions
10 Cal Row (Sprint)
10 Double KB Swing
5 Cat/Cow Transitions
Coach's Notes:
Strength/ Skill
5x E3MOM5 Deadlifts
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Deadlift
Coach's Challenge: Teach athletes to properly brace their core when setting up for the deadlift by taking a deep breath in and pushing the abs outward.
4 Rounds for Time:
20 Double KBS (45|25# or 20|12KG Each)
40|35 Calorie Row
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Double Kettlebell Swing
Goal: 13 Minutes (16 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Breathing - Challenge athletes to inhale on the eccentric portion of the swing and row, and exhale aggressively on the concentric.
Cool Down
30" Foam Roll Thoracic Spine30" Foam Roll Spinal Erectors
30" Foam Roll Glutes
30" Foam Roll Hamstrings
1' Lying Figure 4 Stretch - Right
1' Lying Figure 4 Stretch - Left
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
20" - 30" Ring Support Hold (Top)
8/Side Walking Plate Push Up
10/Side Alternating Seated Leg Lifts
Rest as needed
Week 3 Day 2
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-13' |
Strength/Skill | 14-34' |
WOD | 35-50' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
51-60' |
Warm Up
2 Rounds of Animal Tag (90 Seconds Per Round, 30 Seconds between Rounds)
Round 1: Bear Crawl
Round 2: Crab Walk
Shoulder Activation Drill2 Rounds of:
10 Straight Arm Banded Ys - Push Away
10 Straight Arm Banded Ys - Pull Through
5 Strict Kip Swings
Coach's Notes:
Animal Tag: The last person to join the class is nominated as the first "Alpha". They must go around trying to tag others in the class, while everyone (including the Alpha) is walking like an animal. When someone is tagged they must roll over and do 6 Deadbugs (3/side). Each rounds lasts 90 seconds. The last person to get tagged becomes the Alpha in the next round.
Shoulder Activation Drill: The purpose of this drill is to help athletes understand the role that the shoulder plays in controlling the kip by "pushing away" and "pulling through".
Strength/ Skill
7 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Toes to BarThen...
6x EMOM: 3-5 TTB (or appropriate scaling option)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Toes to BarToes To Bar Progression:
- Kip Swings
- Kipping Knee Raise
- Kipping Knees to Chest
- Kipping Toes to Bar
Goal: Help athletes connect the dots between the shoulder activation drill from the warm up to the Toes to Bar progression. If you see athletes failing to engage their shoulders during the progression then send them back to the bands so they can learn how to use their shoulders as the main driver of the kip.
Coach's Challenge: Focus on pushing away as far as possible with the shoulders.
For Time:
Toes to Bar
Single DB Box Step Ups (50|35# or 22|16KG)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Single DB Box Step Ups
Goal: 7 Minutes (10 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Each round gets easier. Challenge athletes to increase the pace as the workout progresses.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
30" Lunge w. Overhead Reach - Right
30" Lizard Pose - Right
30" Lunge w. Overhead Reach - Left
30" Lizard Pose - Left
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
2 Sets for Quality:
14 Single Arm DB Bench Press - Left
14 Single Arm DB Bent Over Row - Left
90" Rest
14 Single Arm DB Bench Press - Right
14 Single Arm DB Bent Over Row - Right
90" Rest
Week 3 Day 3
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-13' |
Strength/Skill | 14-34' |
WOD | 35-52' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
53-60' |
Warm Up
2 Rounds of:
30" Strict Knee Raises (Leg Raises in Round 2)
30" Elbow to Instep (Right in Round 1, Left in Round 2)
30" Wall Walks
30" Wall Squats
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Pistol
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: HSPU
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Pistol | HSPU
Pistol Progression:
HSPU Progression:
- Pike Push Up (w. Feet Elevated)
- Headstand - Kick to Plank
- Negative HSPU on Wall
- Kipping HSPU
Coach's Challenge: Educate athletes on the role that core activation plays in these movements. Specifically-
- Creating tension in the core to keep the leg elevated in the pistol
- Keeping the body stable as you kip and press in the HSPU
For Time:
20-18-16...6-4-2 Pistols
10-9-8...3-2-1 HSPU
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 12 Minutes (15 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Make sure athletes are not getting sloppy just because they want to move quickly. Slow them down if necessary and make sure they are following your guidance from the technique session. This is a great time to reinforce our priorities: Technique - Consistency - Intensity
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
1' Foam Roll Lower Back
1' Deep Squat Hold w. Support
Coach's Notes:
Deep Squat Hold w. Support - Athletes should try to get their hips as low to the ground as possible.
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
2 Sets:
20 Single Leg KB RDL - Left
10 Single Arm KB OH Reverse Lunge - Left
1' Rest
20 Single Leg KB RDL - Right
10 Single Arm KB OH Reverse Lunge - Right
1' Rest
Week 3 Day 4
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-13' |
Strength/Skill | 14-34' |
WOD | 35-55' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
56-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Make sure Rings are setup prior to the beginning of class.
Warm Up
2 Rounds of:20" On / 10" Off
Station 1
Coach's Notes:
Strength/ Skill
15' Guided Skill Work: Ring Muscle Up
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Ring Muscle Up
Strict Muscle Up Progression (Low Rings):
- Review False Grip
- Pull to Sternum
- Pull to Sternum + Trace Chest
- Pull to Sternum + Trace Chest + Dip
- Reverse order to come down
Kipping Muscle Up Progression (High Rings):
- Jump into Hollow + Kipping on Rings
- Kip + Hip Opening
- Kip + Hip Opening + Pull to Sternum
- Kipping RMU
Coach's Challenge: Athletes should either be in a stable Hollow or Arch position.
Partner WOD - "Xxplosive"10 Rounds for Time:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
20M Broad Jumps
50 Double Unders
Partner A does a full round, then Partner B does a round.
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 11 Minutes (15 Minute Cap) Each round should be about a ˜60-second sprint
Coach's Challenge: Every round should be an all-out sprint. Help athletes scale wisely so they can both practice skills and reach the desired stimulus.
Cool Down
1 Round of:
45" Prone Cobra
45" Downward Dog
45" Thread the Needle - Right
45" Thread the Needle - Left
Coach's Notes:
Thread the Needle
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
8/Side Renegade Row
30" Hollow Body Hold
1' Rest
Week 3 Day 5
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-12' |
Strength/Skill | 13-35' |
WOD | 36-51' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
52-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Make sure Rings are setup prior to the beginning of class.
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
5 Bootstrap Squats (3" hold in the bottom, 3" hold at the top)
5/ Direction PVC Around the World
5 Elbow to Instep (R1 - Right, R2 - Left)
5 Pike to Push Up (3" hold in the bottom, 3" hold at the top)
Coach's Notes:
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Overhead Squat
5x E2MOM
4 Overhead Squats
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Overhead Squat
Goal: Go as heavy as possible as good form allows. Athletes struggling with Ankle, Shoulder, or Hip mobility should be given 1:1 guidance for what they need to do to improve their mobility.
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to keep constant upward pressure on the bar (Cue: "Press your shoulders up to your ears".)
"Disco Inferno"
4 Rounds for Time:
30 1-Arm DB Deadlifts (50|35# or 22|16KG)
20 1-Arm DB Snatches
10 1-Arm DB OH Lunge
Numbers represent total reps (switch hands as needed)
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 10 Minutes (12 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to tighten their core enough to stabilize their midline, but keep it "soft" enough to breathe comfortably throughout this high-volume workout.
Cool Down
1 Round of:1' Lizard w. KB on Knee - Right
1' Lizard w. KB on Knee - Left
1' Thoracic Extension w. KB Overhead
Coach's Notes:
Thoracic Extension w. KB Overhead
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
30" Flutter Kicks (Hanging from Bar)
30" Hollow Rocks
30" Table Hold
30" Front Support Hold
90" Rest
Week 3 Day 6
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-12' |
Strength/Skill | - |
WOD | 13-53' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
54-60' |
Warm Up
1 Round of:
15 Strokes on Rower - Legs only
5/Side Pigeon Circles
15 Strokes on Rower - Legs + Lean Back
5/Side Pigeon Circles
15 Strokes on Rower - Legs + Lean Back + Arm Pull (Normal Stroke)
5/Side Pigeon Circles
Coach's Notes:
Today we have a lot of rowing intervals on the menu. Let's make sure that athletes are using this opportunity to reinforce good technique by deconstructing the row in the warm up.Strength/ Skill
For Time:
100|95 Cal Row
80|75 Cal Row
60|55 Cal Row
40|35 Cal Row
20|15 Cal Row
1:1 Work:Rest*
*If it takes an athlete 5 minutes to row 100 Calories then they should rest 5 minutes before beginning the 80 Cal Row.
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 30 Minutes (36 Minute Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to apply the technique reviewed during the warm up to these intervals.
Cool Down
1 Round of:
2' Elevated Pigeon Pose (Each Side)
Extra Credit
For Quality:
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Week 4
Cycle Context
In week four we continue to dial up the demand on our posterior chain and midline.
Strength/ Skill | WOD | |
Monday | Handstand Walk |
16' AMRAP: 8 Weighted Box Step Over (50|35# or 22|16KG Each) 10M Handstand Walk 12 GHD Sit Ups |
Tuesday | Clean & Jerk |
For Time: 30 Clean & Jerks (135|95# or 62.5|42.5 KG) |
Wednesday | Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups |
5 Rounds for Time: 5 Devil Press (35|25# or 16|12KG Each) 10 Chest to Bar Pull Up 20M DB Front Rack Lunge |
Thursday | Dumbbell Push Jerk |
For Time: 100 Double Unders 80|70 Calorie Row 60 1-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead (50|35# or 22|16KG) 40 Burpee Over Rower 20 Wall Walks 40 Burpee Over Rower 60 1-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead 80|70 Calorie Row 100 Double Unders |
Friday | Deadlift |
6 Rounds for Time: 6 Toes to Bar 9 Deadlift (225|155# or 100|70KG) 12 Box Jumps |
Saturday | NA | 30’ AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 10 Alternating Pistols 100M Shuttle Sprint (10x 10M) |
Week 4 Day 1
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-12' |
Strength/Skill | 13-33' |
WOD | 34-52' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
53-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Today's WOD requires that we have space for both Handstand Walks and Boxes on the training floor. Look at your roster before class and plan how you will organize the logistics of the workout before class begins.
Warm Up
5' Flow:5 Wall Walks
10 Box Step Over
:15 Arch Holds
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Handstand WalkThen...
5x EMOM: 8 Meter Handstand Walk (or appropriate scaling option)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Handstand Walk
Suggested Progression:
- Wall Walk into Handstand Hold Against Wall (Increasing Duration)
- 1-Hand Release Handstand / Shoulder Taps / Hip Touches
- Handstand Walk to Wall (Increasing Distance)
- Handstand Walk
- Squeezing glutes and abs to create tight candlestick position
- Actively pressing down into the floor with the shoulders
16' AMRAP:
8 Weighted Box Step Over (50|35# or 22|16KG Each)
10M Handstand Walk
12 GHD Sit Ups*
*Sit Ups while Hugging Medball can be used as a substitute for large classes
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Weighted Box Step Over | GHD Sit Ups
Goal: 6 Rounds
Coach's Challenge: This workout heavily taxes the midline and shoulders. Challenge athletes to become aware of which movements can be used to "rest" a given muscle group (ex. relax shoulders on the GHD Sit Ups) in an attempt to stay fresh for when that body part is called back into action.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
30 Lying Pec Stretch - Right
30 Scorpion Stretch - Right
30 Lying Pec Stretch - Left
30 Scorpion Stretch - Left
Coach's Notes:
Lying Pec Stretch
Scorpion Stretch
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
14 Single Leg Glute Bridge - Left
6 Strict Toes To Bar (31X0)
14 Single Leg Glute Bridge - Right
20" Hanging L-Sit Hold
1' Rest
Week 4 Day 2
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-12' |
Strength/Skill | 13-40' |
WOD | 41-51' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
52-60' |
Warm Up
3 Rounds with an empty barbell:3 Tempo Stiff Leg Deadlift (333x)
3 Tempo Strict Press (333x)
3 Tempo Front Squat (333x)
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Clean & JerkThen...
5x E3MOM: 2 Clean & Jerks (Increasing weight with each set)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Squat Clean | Push Jerk
Suggested Progression:
- Clean Progression
- Clean High Pulls
- Muscle Clean
- Power Clean + Front Squat (Gradually increasing depth of catch)
- Squat Clean
- Jerk Progression
- Jump & Land - Hands on Shoulders
- Push Jerk Balance - Barbell at Forehead (Ankles, Knees, Hips Extended before pressing under)
- Push Jerk - With Barbell or PVC
Goal: Work up to a heavy double C&J.
Coach's Challenge: Make sure that every athlete's hips are fully opening on the clean and the jerk.
Note: Give individual guidance to athletes about whether to Squat Clean or Power Clean + Front Squat, depending on what would benefit that athlete more.
For Time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135|95# or 62.5|42.5KG)
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Clean & Jerk
Goal: 3 Minutes (5 Minute Time Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Even though this workout is short, there is an element of pacing involved. Most athletes should do singles throughout the workout, and pick up the bar again as soon as it has stopped bouncing.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
1' Foam Roll Spinal Erectors, Glutes, & Hamstrings
30" Pigeon Pose - Right
30" Pigeon Pose - Left
Coach's Notes:
Pigeon Pose
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
2 Sets:
10 Side Plank Reach Through - Left
10 Side Plank Lifts - Left
10/Side Plate Halo
10 Side Plank Lifts - Right
20 Good Mornings (Holding Plate in Front of Chest)
Rest as needed
Week 4 Day 3
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-10' |
Strength/Skill | 11-31' |
WOD | 32-57' |
Clean Up |
58-60' |
Coach's Notes:
Today we will introduce two movements that we do not use regularly in our workouts - Devil Press & DB Front Rack Walking Lunges. Be prepared to coach athletes through these quickly
Warm Up
3 Rounds of:
15" Hollow Hold
15" Arch Hold
10 Kip Swings
10 American Kettlebell Swings (Light)
Strength/ Skill
10 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5x EMOM: 3-5 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Suggested Progression:
- Kip Swing
- Kip Swing + Hip Opening
- Kip Swing + Hip Opening + Pull with Arms
- Chin Above Bar Hold + Push Away (focus on getting back into kip for rep #2)
- 2 Consecutive Kipping Pull Ups
- 2 Consecutive Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Coach's Challenge: The movement pattern of the Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Up is identical to that of the normal Kipping Pull Up. Make sure that athletes are not incorporating new, undesired, movements into the kip when they go from the normal kipping pull up to the Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Up. Specifically we are looking for-
- Straight legs & pointed toes
- Active core to support stable Hollow & Arch positions
- Opening the hip, not kicking with the legs, to generate momentum
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Devil Press (35|25# or 16|12KG Each)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Up
20M DB Front Rack Lunge
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Devil Press | DB Front Rack Lunge
Goal: 11 Minutes (14 Minute Time Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to work on their pacing. Use round 1 as a "warm up" and gradually pick up the pace.
Cool Down
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are cleaning up.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
10 Seated Double KB Z-Press
12 Double KB Straight Arm Sit Up
14 Shoulder Taps
90" Rest
Week 4 Day 4
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-14' |
Strength/Skill | 15-25' |
WOD | 26-55' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
56-60' |
Warm Up
One Round of:
Partner A // Partner B
5/side Lizard with Rotation // 25 Jumps
5 YTW on the Rings // 25 Jumps w. Double Tap on Hips
20" Handstand Hold // 25 Double Unders
Partner A does Exercise 1 while Partner B jumps rope. Once both have finished their task, Partner B does Exercise 1 while Partner A jumps rope. They then move onto Exercise 2, and repeat.
Strength/ Skill
5 Minutes of Guided Skill Work: Dumbbell Push Jerk
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Dumbbell Push Jerk
DB Push Jerk Progression: (Link)
- Jump & Land - Hands at Side
- Jump & Land - Thumbs on Shoulders
- Jump, Punch, Land - No Dumbbell
- Push Jerk - With Dumbbell
Coach's Challenge: Make sure that every athlete's hips are fully opening before pushing under.
Partner WOD - "Shook Ones"
For Time:
100 Double Unders
80|70 Calorie Row
60 1-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead (50|35# or 22|16KG)
40 Burpee Over Rower
20 Wall Walks
40 Burpee Over Rower
60 1-Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead
80|70 Calorie Row
100 Double Unders
One partner works at a time. Split reps evenly.
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Wall Walk | Burpee Over Rower
Goal: 24 Minutes (28 Minute Time Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to go for small sets and a fast pace to keep the intensity high.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
45" Lying Banded Shoulder Stretch - Right
15" Rest
45" Lying Banded Shoulder Stretch - Left
15" Rest
Coach's Notes:
Lying Banded Shoulder Stretch
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
30" Sandbag Hold
3/Side Sandbag Lap to Shoulder
30m Sandbag Carry
2' Rest
Week 4 Day 5
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-14' |
Strength/Skill | 15-35' |
WOD | 36-53' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
54-60' |
Warm Up
3 Rounds of:
20" Oblique Opener
20" Kettlebell Swing
20" Strict Leg Raise to Parallel
20" Box Step Ups
:10 Rest Between Exercises
Strength/ Skill
6x E2MOM
3 Deadlift
Increase weight with each set.
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: DeadliftGoal: Build up to a heavy 3.
Coach's Challenge: Teach athletes to initiate the movement by driving through their heels. Be on the lookout for heels coming off the ground slightly as a sign that the athlete's weight has shifted forward too far.
"Wobble Wobble"
6 Rounds for Time:
6 Toes to Bar
9 Deadlift (225|155# or 100|70KG)
12 Box Jumps
Coach's Notes:
Points of Performance: Toes to Bar | Box Jumps
Goal: 10 Minutes (13 Minute Time Cap)
Coach's Challenge: Challenge athletes to go unbroken on every set. Scale accordingly.
Note: We pre-fatigued our posterior chain by working up to a heavy deadlift before the WOD. Be on the lookout for athletes who are not able to maintain a safe position on the deadlift during the metcon, and challenge them to go lighter if needed.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
1" Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings
1" Happy Baby Pose
Coach's Notes:
Lying Leg Hug Stretch
Happy Baby Pose
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
4 Sets:
20m Double KB OH Carry
40" Plank
4/Side Med Ball Side Toss (Explosive)
90" Rest
Week 4 Day 6
Class Flow
Section | Timing |
Whiteboard | 0-5' |
Warm Up | 6-14' |
Strength/Skill | 15-35' |
WOD | 36-53' |
Cool Down & Clean Up |
54-60' |
Warm Up
3 Rounds of:
3 Pull to Stand
9 Tempo Air Squat (32X1)
15M A Skip
Strength/ Skill
10' to Review Pistol Progression
Coach's Notes:
Quickly review the Points of Performance for the Pistol by walking athletes through this progression. It should be familiar for most athletes who did last week's pistol workout. We don't have time for a masterclass on pistols, today is just a quick recap.
"Gibby"30’ AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
10 Alternating Pistols
100M Suicide Sprints (10x 10M)
Coach's Notes:
Goal: 15 Rounds
Coach's Challenge: With rope climbs AND pistols this is a very technical workout. Encourage athletes to focus on quality, rather than speed. They may find that better technique will carry them further in this workout.
Note: Setup cones 10M apart for the Suicide Sprints. Athletes should touch the floor behind the cone on each rep.
Cool Down
2 Rounds of:
30"/Side Child's Pose Lat Lean
60" Frog Rock
Coach's Notes:
Collect scores as athletes are finishing the cool down.
Extra Credit
3 Rounds of:Triple-Drop-Set Alternating Hammer Curls
Rest 2' between rounds
Drop Sets Explained: Start at a heavy weight. Do a Max Set of Alternating Hammer Curls. Upon Failure drop the weights and immediately pick up another set of DBs. Do another max-rep set. Repeat a final time at a light weight. Athletes should get between 10-20 reps per weight.
Suggested Rx weights: